Sunday, July 28, 2024

Happy memories end with sad ending

Pain, sad, unhappy.... Who will know? Only myself know...Maybe I am not perfect.. but why? Maybe start from today I have to forget about the pass and start a new life. Who can ease my pain? Only god know. Sometimes I pray to God and hope one day I can get the answer. Sadness is pain for me...

Just want to find a suitable time to let myself to a place that I can forget everything bad. I can't help myself right now.. cause I don't even know what is the meaning of hapiness long time ago~ :(

Crying~ suffer~ lol... Feel so hard... ~~ Like the glass crashed in the heart~

See my heart just like this... Scratch and broken... After tape it, it will not recover to normal... Sigh :'(


-aLLYSa- said...

Dear Emily,

I'm so sorry to see you're suffering from pain and sadness. I believe God will answer ur prayers and cries, and He will make a way for you. Life is never perfect, there will be happiness and sadness, from time to time. Hold on and stay strong no matter how tough life could be. Stay positive and tell yourself u're one of a kind and a blessed child of God. I hope you can pull through this hard times with courage and confidence =)

If you need anyone to talk to, I'll always be here. Sorry that I cant do anything to help you, but I hope I can be ur pillar of comforts and supports. May God continue to bless you abundantly and guide you through and through. My prayers shall be with you always *hugs*


EmilyEve said...

Thanks for your support. At least I know there are someone still care for me. I am happy that I have u as my friend Allysa :D

-aLLYSa- said...

Dear Emily,

You're most welcome. Of cos I do care about you, bcos u're one of my best fren whom I treasure for lifetime. We've known each other for almost 16 yrs (and still counting), and I really appreciate this friendship we shared. Though I'm so far away from you and might not understand all that u've gone through, my prayers and blessings will always be with you. I do hope you can find happiness and lead a happy and contented life. You deserve to be happy =)

Look forward to see you soon when I'm back. Take good care of urself and God be with you always :)

dd=.=bb said...

Emily, stars will shine at u soon! Cheer up!