Sunday, July 28, 2024

Working at EastWood Valley~~!

Last Sunday I was working at Eastwood Valley with my friends. Scenery at there are really nice. Very tired working at there cause there are about 6000 customers at there. We all worked very hard on that day. I also got grab a lots of pictures at there.

My friends that working with me

My friend teach me how to look great when eat chicken wing

Sooo tired...wait for our salary out also need to wait for 2 hours cause there are 400 part timer worked at there. But our day is GREAT~~~!!!! We enjoy working at there cause we can see the nice scenery and grab some nice pictures hehehe...We also can watch the program on that night hehehe....well all we have to do is serve drink only hehehe....very easy le...

I am so GLAD on that day~~~:D

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