Sunday, July 28, 2024

An important note from a friend to share with you........

I got this from my mail box just want to share with you all... That person that 'I' is not me. Just for sharing.

A while ago heard that my friend's brother-in law's mother was cheated

of 350,000. And today, this thing happened to me, until now, when I
think of it, I still feel numb all over. Only difference is that they
did not manage to cheat my money.

This afternoon, I was still in the office on my computer when my
handphone rang, I picked it up, but no answer on the other side. I hung
up, but it rang again, I looked but there was no registered no, I
picked up the phone and again no one on line. This happened for many
mnay time, I did hear some soft voices of a few man on the other side
but could not hear exactly what they are saying. This went on and on,
my phone just did not stop ringing. Then I remembered what I read in
the newspapers and decided to call home. But I kept calling and could
not get through to my house no and no one picked up on my mother's
handphone. Meantime, my handphone did not stop ringing. I was getting
really worried and finally managed to get through to home and my mother
picked up the phone. She was crying and kept asking me where I was.
When I told her I was at the office, she would not believe me and I
needed to reassure her that yes, I am in the office.

I found out that someone called my mother telling them that I borrowed
120,000 from them and asked her to bring that money immediately for my
release. They even had someone screaming at the side pretending to be
me 'Mum, I am xxxx, come save me quick'... My mother was so scared and
the party kept my mother on the line with a lot of rubbish, refusing to
let her hang up. Kept telling my mother to prepare the money to save
me. Luckily I called home, other wise my mother would have gone to
prepare the money.

Please be careful.....

1. The cheaters thought that if they keep calling my handphone,
I will feel really annoyed n switch off my handphone then my mother will
not be able to contact me.

2.The cheaters must have also kept her on the phone all the
time so as not to give her time to call me to confirm my safety.
Please go home and tell your family, so if they meet the same
situation, do not worry, do not panic. Call around to check, many
phones you can use. If your handphone also ring non-stop like mine, do
not switch off your handphone.
Call home immediately to check. Let
your family know that you are ok.

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